
Keep on keepin' on

A practice is an invitation into a consistent, long-standing relationship between you, the practitioner, and “it,” the thing to which you are committing. The concept of practice can be challenging for Western minds. Being linear and goal-orientated, we often focus on perfection and completion, which do not lend themselves to an attempted lifestyle change or spiritual development.
Practicing yoga, eating a healthier diet, or starting an exercise regime all demand release from the idea of “completion” and “perfection.” When we consistently practice, we enter into a conscious experiment, allowing the natural evolution of the process of change to unfold. Just as in “two steps forward, one step backward,” we watch without judgment and we realign with our commitment. We continue moving forward, strengthened and informed by our “backward” steps.
––Aruni Nan Futuronsky, Senior Life Coach, Kripalu

1 comment:

  1. sometimes pushing forward is harder than I ever thought possible.... and yet, and yet
