
So many...

Can you relate? 

I need some time to organize my thoughts and ideas and then a blogging I will be! 
As a little preview, these are some of the things that I have been interested in lately: 
Food - real, fresh, homemade, healing properties, literature and films 
Animals - animal testing(awful), giving them a voice, volunteering at the Oakland Animal Shelter
Old movies - new love for Paul Newman (swooon!), classics played at the Paramount Theater
House keeping - organization, downsizing, making a home for myself
Reaching out - making more time for friends and family, positive people, throwing a party

Ok, I'll stop there. 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend - not to brag but the weather is crazy good in Cali! 
Ciao for now! 


  1. YEAH!

    I can't wait for your new blog installations. Remember to dream up a guest blog post for me, love!

    I would love to have a "long distance movie date" with you, where we choose a movie (preferably a classic) and watch it over a weekend and then both write about it and see what we've come up with! Especially for Mr. Handsome Devil, PaulyPaul Newman.

  2. A long distance movie date sounds awesome! How about The Philadelphia Story? And I am definitely thinking about my guest blog for ya. :)
